Robert R. Anderson, Attorney at Law
Available throughout Iowa and California:
Iowa 515-382-1278
California 951-282-2975

P.O Box 4 Atlantic IA 50020

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"A Christian Lawyer With Your Best Interests at Heart"
Serving clients throughout all of Iowa and California

 Robert R. Anderson, Attorney At Law

"A Christian Attorney With Your Best Interests at Heart"

About My Practice:

Experienced Lawyer Focused on Christian Values.

Assisting Individuals and Families throughout Iowa and California.

There are many influences upon our lives: Family, faith, experiences and education, to name the main ones. Certainly one of the main influences upon my life is my faith in Jesus Christ. Practically, this means a daily consideration of His life as my example, and His teachings as my benchmarks. I seek to "do unto others as I would have them do onto me."

I also believe that every person is of unique and great value, which motivates me to do my very best as my client's advocate and legal counselor. Finally, there are causes that I believe honor God to such a degree that whether I am paid or not, I consider it a privilege to offer my services at a reduced fee, or in some cases, at no charge.

Additionally, I have discovered that the best opportunity for obtaining success for my clients is to conduct myself in a friendly and kind way toward other attorneys, judges, court personnel and the other party. However, at no time does this viewpoint of mine interfere with aggressive advocacy of my client's case — it actually makes it easier to be effective.

Sole Practice

I've chosen to maintain an independent law practice rather than to work for the government, a county, a city, a law firm or another attorney. This gives me not only total discretion as to whether to represent a particular person or cause, but it also means that each and every client that I represent is one that will have my utmost personal loyalty and attention.

Legal Associations

At the same time that I maintain an independent law practice, I have developed a network of associations with other attorneys and legal organizations that I have trust in.

I have found the Biblical proverb, " the multitude of counselors there is safety..." to be true; therefore, I confer with other attorneys whom I believe are wise counselors to discuss which of various strategies will be the best for my client's case.

Additionally, I'm currently an "ally" having attended two National Litigation Academies and special litigation training with the Alliance Defending Freedom. I have been also affiliated with the Christian Legal Society serving in the past as President of the Orange County Chapter."

Contact Attorney Robert R. Anderson below for an appointment.

Robert R. Anderson, Attorney at Law
P.O Box 4
Atlantic, IA 50022

Iowa 515-382-1278
California 951-282-2975

At the office of Robert R. Anderson, Attorney at Law, I am ready to represent clients in courts throughout Iowa and California.

The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

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